* Plugin Name: WooPAM: Woo Product Attributes Modifier
* Description: Bulk update 'custom meta product attributes' to 'taxonomy product attributes' in WooCommerce. Supports the GET variables, like: woopam_mode=run&woopam_from_attribute_meta=colour&woopam_to_attribute_tax=pa_colour&woopam_keep_attribute_meta&woopam_posts_per_page=10&woopam_paged=0&woopam_post_type=product&woopam_post_status=any. WARNING: Backup DB first!!!
* Plugin Author: birgire
* Author URI: https://github.com/birgire
* Plugin URI: https://gist.github.com/birgire/0ed300ae4436fcaf508c
* Version: 1.0.0
* License: GPL2+
* Text Domain: woopam
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